from Why Men love Bitches! (1)

January 19, 2012 § 2 Comments

So I’m reading (not finished yet) this book & I just got hit by some of the explanations why guys love bitches but from what I can imagine a bitch(the one that’s described in the book) is kind of boring woman. She’s a  very laid back person, the come-what-may kind. Anyway, here are some messages I got from the book.

Yeah! I think girls & women are so conscious with what other’s say an approval/ disapproval it maybe because we’ve grown up to standards of media. Monkey see, monkey do! Magazines & commercials will show you gorgeous women and tells you you’ll have skin like this afterwards. C’mon! If the woman in the advertisement is in her early 20’s of course those in their 30’s wont have that skin that she has! Haha! I think what this book is saying is have your own standard. Don’t get dismay by other’s opinion, use them as constructive criticism. 😀 Be the only ONE!

I agree! Hey, if you give everything then that’s it! There’s nothing to expect. Guys get bored at those stuff. They want to be mentally challenged (according to men surveyed by the book). You have to leave them hanging so they’ll want more. You have to keep them guessing on what comes next. Of course, self respect should be on your pedestal. Don’t forget!

More to come!


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