Oreo Cheesecake Cookie

March 6, 2012 § Leave a comment

To all my readers: It’s been a month long since I posted a new article because I was busy for the month of Love! ❤

Anyhoo….. For my First comeback entry is a mouthwatering COOKIE!

Ohh yes! It’s not the normal cheesecake because it’s in a form of a cookie. At first, I wanted to make cheesecake but when I googled it I came across this recipe. It’s something new for me to have a cheesecake cookie so I got excited baking it. Voila! My own version of Oreo Cheesecake Cookie.

My mom and sister were the one who tasted it first and according to them it was YUMMY! Yey for me! Its my first masterpiece that was not too overcooked. 😀

I drizzled melted white choco chip on the cookie and according to my friend’s taste bud it tastes different because the taste of the cheesecake was overpowered by the choco chip. Thus, I didn’t took a picture of the cookie with white choco chip on top. Hahaha!

Lots of Love,


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